| Admin Setup

General Information

The General Information section contains pharmacy information, Macro Helix settings, contacts, and notes.

Pharmacy Information

Pharmacy Information includes general setup information such as pharmacy name and address as well as store identification information. You can also configure your vendor preferences, 340B eligibility date, switch provider, and IP address restrictions.

To change your pharmacy information, edit the fields using the information in the table below and click Save Changes.



General Pharmacy Information


Name of the pharmacy.


Pharmacy street address.


City in which the pharmacy resides.


Click the drop-down arrow and select the state for the pharmacy.

Zip Code

Zip code of the pharmacy, including 4-digit zip code extension.


Macro Helix Pharmacy ID number assigned in 340B Architect.

Phone Number

Pharmacy phone number.

Fax Number

Pharmacy fax number.

Pharmacy Type

Click the drop-down arrow and select Hospital or Retail.

Hospital Class

Click the drop-down arrow and select one of the following:

DSH - Disproportionate Share Hospital

CAH - Critical Access Hospital

RRH - Rural Referral Hospital

SCH - Sole Community Hospital

CH   - Consolidated Health Center Programs

PED - Pediatric Hospital

CAN - Cancer Hospital

RW  - Ryan White Clinic

FQHCLA - Federally Qualified Health Center Clinic

Store Identification Information

Covered Entity

Synonymous with hospital. The covered entity is associated or contracted with the pharmacy. Click the drop-down menu and select a covered entity.

Store NPI

National Provider Identifier assigned customer store number. A unique identification number given by HIPPA.

Store NABP

National Associate of Board of Pharmacies store number assigned to the customer store.

Store 340B ID

340B Architect assigns this number when it assigns the unique Pharmacy ID.

Cov Entity Owned

From the drop-down menu, select N/A, Covered Entity Owned, Chain, or Independent.

Identify Store By

From the drop-down menu, select what the credentials to identify the store.


From Pharma, this is another pharmacy identification number. It is similar to the Store NPI or Store NABP.

Store Number

Store number is for contract pharmacy chains that are differentiated by store numbers. Complete this field with the store number instead of adding the store number to the pharmacy name.

Additional Properties

340B Eligible

The date on which the pharmacy became 340B eligible or was terminated.  


The date by which a pharmacy is no longer 340B eligible.

IP Restriction

You can request to limit the 340B Architect access to work computers/desktops only. You need to provide Macro Helix with a list of the computer IP addresses that you want restricted.

Primary Vendor

The vendor that will be used by default to select pricing for drugs. To change the primary vendor, click the drop-down arrow and select a different vendor.

Secondary and Tertiary Vendor

You have the option to set a secondary and tertiary vendor by clicking the dropdown menu. The system will compare prices between the primary, secondary, and tertiary vendors, in that order, to select the lowest price. 

  • If there is no price found on primary, the system will look at the secondary and tertiary vendors in that order. 
  • If two vendors have the same price, it will select a price in the order of primary, secondary, then tertiary. 
  • Status changes will trigger a recalculation.
  • Discontinued NDCs are excluded from the logic to look for the lowest price
  • If McKesson is one of the Vendors, MPB and Dropship catalogs will also be verified (you do not need to set them as secondary and tertiary vendors in order for the system to check for the lowest 340B price). 


*This will not impact ordering - only how we determine the 340B price for a 340B eligible claim.




The pharmacy's third-party software provider used to send data to Macro Helix. To change the software, click the drop-down arrow and select different software.


The switch that the pharmacy uses, such as Relay Health. To change the switch provider, click the drop-down arrow and select a different switch.


Macro Helix Settings

Macro Helix Settings includes pharmacy properties and billing information. This page is primarily utilized by Macro Helix personnel. These settings are made when you are first set up in 340B Architect. Macro Helix will initially complete the Data Folder field.

The changes you can make are described in the table below. To change settings, edit the fields using the information in the table below and click Save Changes.




Pharmacy Properties

Active Status

The active status of the pharmacy in 340B Architect. Select Yes, No, Feasibility or Terminated.

Pharmacy Chain

Name of the pharmacy chain. To change the pharmacy chain, click the drop-down arrow and select a different pharmacy chain.

Data Folder

Name of the folder in which we receive the pharmacy's data (their daily files).

Billable Information


This determines whether or not Macro Helix bills the customer or not. If Yes, Macro Helix sends invoices to the customer. If No, Macro Helix does not send invoices to the customer. Click thed drop-down arrow and select Yes or No.

Billable Date

When the Billable field is set to Yes, the date when Macro Helix begins to bill the customer for their scripts. 




Contacts allows you to associate preferred contacts for your site. You may have an IT person or point of contact that you want to add here.

To add a new contact:

1. In the left pane under FILTER OPTIONS, click Contacts.

2. Click Add New.


The ADD NEW window opens. 

3. Complete the fields in the window and click Save Contact.

To deactivate a contact:

1. Select the checkbox adjacent to the user you want to deactivate.

2. From the Contacts menu bar, click Deactivate.




Notes allows you to add notes to your site. You can make notes public or private.

To add notes:

1. In the left pane under FILTER OPTIONS, select Notes.

2. Click Add New.


The ADD NEW window opens. 


3. If you would like this note to be private, meaning no one but you can view it, select YES. The default is NO.

4In the Note field, type your notes.

5Click Save Note.

6To deactivate a note, select the check box adjacent to the note you want to deactivate and click Deactivate.