| Reporting | Invoice Reports

Invoices - Frequently Asked Questions

The following questions and answers will help you to understand invoices used between a Covered Entity and a Contract Pharmacy.  

 Q: When do I contact Support?

A: For any of the following questions, please contact Macro Helix Support.

  • Why was a new 340B invoice regenerated, and why was it not the same as the original invoice?
  • What can cause data to be unusually high or low?
  • How do I get the pharmacy name on an invoice changed?
  • What do I do if I am missing a 340B invoice?
  • How can I get an Invoice Summary for a full year?
  • How do I create a new 340B invoice?
  • How do I add a person to the 340B Invoice Distribution List?
  • A 340B Architect user no longer works at our facility. How can I remove the user from receiving emails and invoices?
  • How can I confirm if there is a completed ACH Payment Form on file for a Covered Entity or Contracted Pharmacy?


Q: What are the different kinds of invoices?

A: There are two types of invoices:

  • Macro Helix 340B Invoice This invoice is created for the Contracted Pharmacy and the Covered Entity. This invoice shows: Revenue - dispensing fee - miscellaneous amounts (adjustments) = the total that the Contracted Pharmacy owes to the Covered Entity. These invoices are available in 340B Architect.
  • Macro Helix Billing Invoice This invoice is only sent to Covered Entities and includes Macro Helix Billing Fees (for services and product provided by Macro Helix. This invoice is not available in 340B Architect.

Q: How do I access my invoices?

A: There are specific steps of access for each type of invoice:

  • Macro Helix 340B Invoice: Call Support to be added to the invoice distribution list. The pdf Summary portion of the invoice is emailed either monthly or bi-monthly to each customer on the invoice distribution list. In order to access the complete reporting for a 340B invoice, do the following:
    • Hover over the Reporting menu and select Invoice Reporting.
    • In the left panel under FILTER OPTIONS, select Finalized in the Status field.
    • Select the invoice start and end dates.
    • Click Refresh Invoices. A list of your invoices will appear in the right panel. You may see an icon next to an invoice. Use the legend in the FILTER OPTIONS panel to explain the icon. An invoice with a lock icon next to it has been finalized and is available for your review.
    • Right-click and select View Reports.
    • Select Invoice Summary and click View Report. The View Reports window opens, displaying the name of the pharmacy and the invoice ID.
  • Macro Helix Billing Invoice: Email billing@macrohelix.com for a copy of your customer invoice. These invoices are not available in 340B Architect.   

Q: Why don't I have access to certain invoices or areas of 340B Architect? Why can't I print or export the 340B invoice? 

A: Access to areas of 340B Architect are based on your user role in 340B Architect. See also User Roles. In order to receive or remove access to 340B invoices, please contact the Macro Helix Support team.

Q: How do I download the 340B invoice detail?

A: To download your entire invoice, from the Reporting menu in 340B Architect, select Invoice Reporting. Select the invoice start and end dates and click Show Invoices.

Q: How can I export 340B invoice detail to Excel, not a .pdf file?

A: Unfortunately, this report cannot be exported due to the large size of the report. However, other reports within the Invoices Reports  drop-down list can be used in conjunction to display the data that is in the Invoice Detail .pdf file. These include:

  • All Scripts
  • Net Settlement Details
  • Eligible Scripts - New
  • Eligible Scripts - Previous
  • Rewind Scripts, and
  • GPO Scripts

Q: How do I reconcile 340B Architect invoices?

A: Please see Finalize Invoices and Invoice Reports in this Help Guide.

Q: How are 340B invoice payments set up between the facilities in an HID?

A: All payment and billing methods are set up upon implementation with a new Contract Pharmacy/Covered Entity relationship. Implementation Specialists will guide customers through the process, notifying them of any/all available billing and payment methods. If you have other questions, please contact the Macro Helix Support team.

Q: Why am I still receiving 340B invoices for a terminated account or location?

A: During the termination process, it is common to have to "true-up" all outstanding accumulations. This can also occur if a rewind is done during the termination process.

Q: How many claims or scripts are there in a specific date range?

A: The claims/scripts for any given time period are listed as "script count." The "script count" total is on the Invoice Summary pdf report. This total includes fills and reversals.

Q: Why are there a miscellaneous amount on the 340B invoice?

A: The Misc Amount column is the total for any miscellaneous adjustments incurred by the pharmacy during the billing cycle. Miscellaneous fees might be for special services or support.

Q: What is a Net Settlement Report?

A: A Net Settlement report shows ALL scripts that qualified as 340B within the specific invoicing period.

Q: The invoices for XYZ pharmacy do not match the Net Settlement Report. What do I do?

A: The 340B invoice may not match the Net Settlement Report because the Net Settlement Report ONLY accounts for scripts that qualified for 340B within the given invoicing window.

Q: What do I do if a transaction is invoiced on the wrong PID?

A: Once a claim has been invoiced, Macro Helix is unable to move that transaction. The transaction(s) in question would have to be disqualified, creating a credit on the following invoice for the PID and a manual upload would need to be processed on the correct PID.