| Reporting | Standard Reports | Hospital Reports


The Crosswalk report displays a general overview of your current crosswalk configurations . The table below contains a brief description of each report available: 

Active Crosswalk NDCs on Exclusion Lists
Displays Crosswalk NDCs with flags to indicate GPO Exclude Exempt, 340B Eligibility Exclude, Do Not Sub and ignored for NDCs
Archived Crosswalk History
List the current crosswalk archive/history for the selected pharmacy. The dates selected will not impact this report.
Crosswalk AutoSub Updates
Displays updates made to the Crosswalk automatically by Macro Helix for the selected date range. (Crosswalk AutoSub is an optional setting, if NO is selected, no results will be display.)
Crosswalk Gap in Utilization
List potential utilization gaps in active crosswalk. Filter Options, Start/End Dates do not impact the report results.
Crosswalk Package Variance
Displays all hospital utilization with summed records by CDM where packages are >25 or <0.001. Summarized by CDM.
Crosswalk Report
A simple view of the current crosswalk for the selected pharmacy with the inclusion of all vendors (you have to select by individual vendor on the crosswalk page in Architect). The dates selected will not impact this report.
Inactive Crosswalk Utilization
Lists charges that are correlated to inactivated/deactivated CDMs in the Crosswalk. Grouped by CDM.