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Admin Dispense Reports General

The Admin Dispense Reports General reports display general dispensing data broken up by NDC, Payor, Drug Class, etc. The table below contains a brief description of each report available: 


Account Billing Statement – Prescriptions By Received Date
Lists all retail prescriptions for the import date range selected for all pharmacies associated with the hospital of the current user. Summarized by pharmacy.
Retail - Dispensing By DEA Report By Pharmacy
Lists all retail prescriptions (including reversals) for the date range selected for all contracted pharmacies. Summarized by DEA and/or NPI number, depending on data provided.
Retail - Dispensing Fee Report By Year
Lists all 340B qualified retail prescriptions dispensed with fee owed to covered entity for the date range selected. Includes all contracted pharmacies. Summarized by Year.
Retail - Dispensing Records with Negative Profit
Lists all retail prescriptions (minus reversals) dispensed for the date range selected where the drug cost is more than the revenue collected. Displays “profit” as (drug cost – Revenue); this “profit” should always be negative. Summarized by Month.
Retail - Employee Prescriptions by Hospital
Lists all retail prescriptions (including reversals) dispensed to employees for the date range selected. Includes scripts dispensed at all retail pharmacies for your covered entity.
Retail - Employee Prescriptions Detailed
Lists all retail prescriptions (including reversals) dispensed to employees for the date range selected.
Retail - Matched Ineligible Prescriptions
Lists retail prescriptions where the script matched based on diagnosis code, but still did not qualify for 340B. Summarized by month.
Retail - Non-Qualified Prescriptions Detailed
Lists only retail prescriptions that did not qualify for 340B (including reversals) for the date range selected. Summarized by month.
Retail - Non-Qualified Prescriptions with COGS
Lists only retail prescriptions that did not qualify for 340B (including reversals) for the date range selected. Includes costs of goods sold as well as the Macro Helix testing criteria for each script. Summarized by month.
Retail - Prescriptions by Pharmacy
Lists all retail prescriptions for the date range selected for all contracted pharmacies. Summarized by pharmacy & month.
Retail - Qualified Prescriptions Detailed
Lists only retail prescriptions that qualified for 340B (including reversals) for the date range selected. Summarized by month.
Retail - Qualified Prescriptions with Days Supply
Lists all retail prescriptions with the exception of matched reversals for the date range selected. Includes Days Supply. Summarized by Month. (Matched Reversals being scripts dispensed and then “reversed” by the pharmacy)
Retail - Under Priced Prescriptions
Custom report to show under priced prescriptions that have payors of (UMASS Memorial Employee Advantage, Mass Health Safety Net, or UMASS GPO Employee Advantage).