| Reporting | Standard Reports | Admin Reports

Admin Net Settlement

The Admin Net Settlement reports display general revenue, dispensing, and accumulation data by Month, Year, etc. The table below contains a brief description of each report available:



Accum - Partial Accumulations with Net Settlement
Displays all current 340B accumulations where a “partial” package is available (meaning the accumulation is greater than 0 but less than 1) and includes the revenues owed to the hospital for said accumulations
Admin - Net Settlement Report By Month
Displays revenue owed to the covered entity (hospital) from the retail pharmacy for the dates selected, based on the dispensed date. GPO and 340b Price Included. Summarized by month.
Admin - Scripts by Age Net Settlement
Displays revenue owed to the covered entity (hospital) from the retail pharmacy for the dates selected, based on the dispensed date. GPO and 340b Price Included with an Age Indicator for minors. Summarized by month.
Retail - By Activity Date Net Settlement Report By Year
Displays dispensing data & revenues owed to covered entity from retail pharmacies for all contracted pharmacies. Does not pull based on dispensed date, but rather on the date the Macro Helix system qualified the script for the date range selected.
Retail - Individual Pharmacy Net Settlement Report By Year
Displays dispensing data & revenues owed to covered entity for the dates selected for current pharmacy only. Summarized by year.
Retail - Net Settlement Report By Year
Displays dispensing data & revenues owed to covered entity for the dates selected for all contracted pharmacies pharmacy only. Summarized by year and pharmacy.