More Resources | Release Notes | 2022

April 2022

What's New 

Central Split

Covered Entity Owned Retail PIDs are now able to send their orders through Central Split. If you are interested in adding your CE-Owned retail PID to Central Split, contact the Support team.


The ChargeID and Status Change fields have been added to the following reports. These fields originate from the Manual Uploads page, within the Hospital Status Changes file type. 

  1. RID 261 Hospital Qualified Audit Report
  2. RID 453 GPO Hospital Qualified Report
  3. RID 466 Hospital Qualified Audit Report – High Dollar Sample
  4. RID 468 Hospital Qualified Audit Report – Top 50 High Volume CII – Sample
  5. RID 583 Hospital Non-Qualified Audit Report
  6. RID 624 Hospital Qualified Audit Report – Top 50 High Volume Sample