More Resources | Release Notes | 2022

March 2022

What's New

Prescriber List

Manual Prescriber List uploads can now be managed via the Prescriber List page. A new Prescriber List Uploads tab has been added, where users can download the upload template, submit prescriber list manual uploads, and view the status of recent uploads. This page will display data for the last 90 days worth of uploads submitted from both user manual uploads and FTP uploads. 

The required fields for the Prescriber List Manual Upload Template are NPI, Type, and Effective Date

  • The NPI must be valid. 
  • The Type must be entered as S, E, or (Standard, Extended, or Referral).
  • The Effective Date must be entered in a MM/DD/YYYY format.
  • The file must be saved as a (.csv). 

The details of Prescriber List uploads will appear in a table with the following headers:

  • Uploaded: Date the file was uploaded
  • Total Record Count: Total number of records in the uploaded file
  • Failed Record Count: Number of records that failed to load
  • Uploaded By: The user's name that uploaded the file (or FTP is displayed)
  • File Name: Filename uploaded by the user or via the FTP
  • Upload Status: In Progress, Partial Upload, Success, Failed
    • In Progress: The file is processing
    • Partial Load: The file contained errors 
    • Success: The file contained no errors 
    • Failed: Zero records processed successfully

Users have the ability to Export Error Rows from the Prescriber List page. This allows them to see records that failed to load, fix any errors, and re-upload the file.

  • Any data that did not successfully import can be viewed by clicking on the Download Error File link to the right of the Upload Status field.

When a prescriber list upload is submitted, a File was successfully uploaded message will display in the top right-hand corner of the screen.

To learn more about the Prescriber List page, click here. 

What's Improved

Qualification Filters

The Excluded by BIN & Copay (BIN/PCN/GRP & Copay) filter can now be entered at the PID level. 

  • This filter will only be applied to the PID the user is logged into. 
  • For any users currently utilizing this filter, those filters will be copied and applied to each individual PID within the HID.