| Data Review | Qualification Filters

Excluded by BIN & COPAY


The Filter Type Excluded by BIN & COPAY is available for retail PIDs that only have the capability to exclude prescriptions by BIN/PCN/GRP/COPAY. This is a PID level filter. When you add this filter to a retail PID, it will only apply to that PID. 

Add a New Filter

  1. From Qualification Filters/FILTER OPTIONS, select the FILTER TYPE Excluded By BIN & COPAY
  2. From the right panel select Add New Filter.
  3. From the EXCLUDED BY BIN & COPAY pop-up fill in the fields and then click Save BIN.
  4. A confirmation pop-up will briefly appear in the bottom right corner. 


If the Effective date is set to a date prior to the current date, the following alert pop-up message will briefly appear. 

Edit an Existing Filter

  1. From Qualification Filters/FILTER OPTIONS, select the FILTER TYPE Excluded By BIN & COPAY.
  2. From the right panel right-click on the filter that needs to be updated and select Edit Filter.
  3. From the EXCLUDED BY BIN & COPAY pop-up update the necessary fields and then click Save BIN.
  4. A confirmation pop-up will briefly appear in the bottom right corner. 

If the Effective date is set to a date prior to the current date, the following alert pop-up message will briefly appear.