More Resources | Release Notes | 2022

November 2022

What's New

340B Price Restoration: Bulk Exclusions

A new page, Bulk Exclusions, has been added to give hospital admin users visibility into pricing impacted by manufacturer actions. Located under the new 340B Price Restoration menu, this page also allows users to:

  • Filter results by Hospital, Pharmacy, and Manufacturer.
  • Search by NDC (optional)
  • Remove/add NDCs to the 340B Excluded or Do Not Order exclusion lists, either individually or in bulk.

For more details on how to use this new feature, click here

What's Improved

Retail Status Changes 

For Retail Status Change Manual uploads, the number of records that you can upload per file has been increased from 1000 records to 5000 records. 

Additionally, when making a retail status change from either Utilization Manager or via Manual Uploads, you can now override if 340B Drug = N.