More Resources | Release Notes | 2022

October 2022

What's New

Corporate Parent: Health System View Page

A new page, Health System View, is available within the Admin Setup menu for hospital admin users. From this page, you can view all active HIDs and PIDs within the Corporate Parent of the PID you are currently logged into. If you do not have access to an HID or PID, it will appear gray.

Branch Codes: Bulk Manual Uploads

From the Branch Codes page, under the new Branch Code Uploads tab you can now perform bulk Manual Uploads. Click Download Template and add the desired branch codes to the template.

  • All fields are required except Termination Date and Notes
  • Dropdown options are available in the column headers to help you quickly fill out the template. 

Click the Upload Branch Codes File button to upload your file, then click Save

  • File Type must be .csv
  • Date Format is MM/DD/YYYY

If there are any upload errors, a file will appear to the right of the Upload Status. This file can be downloaded so that any errors can be corrected and re-uploaded. 

What's Improved

Audited Claims

You can now quickly mark a hospital or retail claim as audited within Utilization Manager. Selecting the right-click option, Mark As Audited, opens a window containing claim information as well as an optional Notes field and date. The date will default to today’s date; however, you have the option to change the date to a previous date. 

After clicking Save, claims marked as audited will be documented in the claim’s Notes and Transaction Log, including the user name, date, and notes. 

You can check if any hospital or retail claims were audited from a new column, Audit Flag, within Utilization Manager. This column will display a Y if the charge was audited. 

You can also right-click on the claim and select Add/View Notes.  When a claim is marked as audited a note will be added here with the prefix “Audit Note:”.