| Reporting | Custom Reports

Generate Custom Reports

Once you create a custom report, it is saved in the system and available via the Custom Reports page.

Custom Report Guidelines

  • Other users cannot access your custom reports. To distribute the custom report to others, generate the report, export the report to Excel or PDF, and send the report outside of the system.
  • You cannot schedule a custom report. The scheduling functionality applies to Standard Reports only.
  • You must create a custom report via the Add New Report window before you can generate a report. Date and Criteria Filters on the Filter Options panel are for saved custom reports.

Generate a Custom Report

Log onto 340B Architect.


Go to the Reporting tab within the 340B Architect menu on the left side of the screen and click on the down arrow:


The Reporting menu opens. 

When Custom Reports is selected, a FILTER OPTIONS column will appear in the center of the 340B Architect Reporting screen:

Use the instructions below to generate a custom report:

  1. Select the custom report you want to generate in the Select Report field.
  2. Select the data type for the date filter, if applicable. (e.g. Purchase reports dates are filtered by Purchased Date). \
  3. Enter the Start and End dates.
  4.  Select a filter criteria and relationship in the Select Column and Operand fields. The Filter Criteria column is populated with the Filter 1 selection you made when you created the report. 
  5.  Enter a desired value for the Filter Criteria. Optional. 
  6.  Click Generate Report.

Field Examples

Here are examples to help you understand the Filter Criteria, Operand, and Desired Value fields:


Example 1

  • Filter Criteria 1 is NDC.
  • Operand is =.
  • Desired Criteria = 63739052301


The generated report only contains data matching that exact NDC.


Example 2

  • Filter Criteria 1 is NDC.
  • Operand is LIKE.
  • Desired Criteria = 6373


The generated report contains data with NDCs that have 6373 as the first four digits.