| Data Review | Prescriber List

Adding and Editing Prescriber History


From the Prescriber List page, you can now view, add, and edit prescriber histories, allowing you to track and update provider information all in one place. 


Any PID that goes live after April 23, 2022 will have the prescriber history feature enabled. PIDs that went live prior to this date must go through a data clean-up prior to utilizing the feature. 

If you do not have access to the new prescriber history feature, you can refer to the legacy Prescriber List article. 

Viewing Prescriber History

If a prescriber has history available, a dropdown arrow will display to the left of the prescriber name. When clicked, the prescriber’s history will populate below the main entry.

Adding History

New users can add prescriber history to the Prescriber List by clicking on the Ellipses Icon and selecting Add History, or by clicking Add History at the top of the table. 

The row will expand below, allowing inline editing of the StatusTypeEffective DateTermination Date, and Notes. 

  • The required fields are Type (Standard, Extended, Referral), Status (Active, Inactive), and Effective Date.  
  • The default Status is Active. 
  • If invalid dates are entered, such as a termination date prior to an effective date, an error message will display below the field. 


To ensure your changes are saved when editing prescriber history, click the checkbox to the right of the Notes field. Clicking outside of the editing line or clicking on the "x" icon will not save your changes. 

Editing History

If history is available for a prescriber, a dropdown arrow will appear to the left of the row. Click the dropdown arrow to expand and view the history. By clicking the Pencil Icon, users can edit a previously entered history. Clicking "x" before saving will not save the entered information.

DEA Matching

When a prescriber record is updated, the system will retest non-frozen prescriptions for DEA Match, ensuring qualifications are updated. If frozen data needs to be retested, you must contact Support for assistance.