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Roles Page



A Role is a set of permissions that you can assign within User Access. Each permission allows you to perform a specific task within an application, such as the ability to: 

  • View or edit a page
  • Use reports
  • View pricing information
A Role is a set of permissions assigned to a group of users within a relationship. 

From the Roles Page, you can create and save custom Roles. Then, you can assign a saved Role to a group of users who need the same permissions. 

A Role is a specific set of permissions created by you for each of the applications you have access to. For example, a role could be “Buyers” or “Analysts”. 



Roles Best Practices

  • Create a basic Role that give all users access to essential/important functionalities. 
  • Create Roles with unique permissions. Do not create Roles with different names and the same permissions. 
  • Create Roles for each Department with more permissions than the base Role.




Viewing and Editing Existing Roles


On the Roles page within the User Access feature, click the ellipses next to an existing role and then click View Details/Edit



The Role Details page will open by default in read-only format, allowing you to view the Role Name, Description, and Permissions for each role.


To edit a role, click Edit at the top of the page, which will make the entire page editable.


You can then change the Role Name, Description, and edit the Permissions by checking and unchecking the relevant boxes. 



When you have multiple Product Feature tabs enabled, you can switch between them while selecting permissions.



The permissions you see will depend on the Product Features enabled for the Corporate ID. Permissions are broken up by Product Feature Tabs, including 340B Architect, NDC Architect, 340B Impact, etc. If, for example, your Corporate ID only has 340B Architect enabled, you will only see the 340B Architect Product Feature Tab.



On each tab, the permissions are organized into categories. Clicking on the arrow next to a category name allows you to view related permissions. For each permission, you can select either View or Edit.

  • View: allows users to navigate through the page, buttons, and popups but cannot edit. 
  • Edit: allows users to view and edit the pages. 

340B Architect Permissions

The following table displays where each permission set in User Access will display in 340B Architect. 

340B Architect Overview
Pharmacy Accumulations Permission to access the Accumulations page
Pharmacy Dashboard Visibility to the Dashboard
340B Price Restoration
Auto Exclusions Settings Permission to access the Auto Exclusions Settings page
Bulk Exclusions Permission to access the Bulk Exclusions page
Claims Activity Permission to view Claims Activity
Data Submission Enrollment Permission to access the Data Submission Enrollment page
ESP OptIn Permission to view ESP OptIn data
PHS Contract Permission to view PHS Contract information
340B Monitor
340B Monitor Permission to access the 340B Monitor page
Admin Setup
Branch Codes Permission to access the Branch Codes page
Health System View Permission to access the Health System View page
Pharmacy Settings Permission to access the Pharmacy Settings page
Data Review
340B RxCorrelate Permission to access 340B RxCorrelate
Manual Uploads Permission to perform Manual Uploads
Pharmacy Search Permission to access the Pharmacy Search page
Prescriber List Permission to access the Prescriber List page
Qualification Filters Permission to access the Qualification Filters page
Utilization Manager Permission to access the Drug Utilization page
Data Review
Accumulations Transfer - Purchases Permission to manually upload Accumulations Transfer - Purchases
Bulk Bin Exclusion The user can make changes & apply BIN exclusions to multiple PID/HIDs (where applicable)
Bulk Qualification Rules The user can make changes & apply qualification rules to multiple PID/HIDs (where applicable)
Data Export Notification Permission to receive data export notifications
Hospital Status Changes Permission to make status changes to Hospital Charges
Pharmacy Exclusion Permission to manage items on Exclusion lists
Retail Status Changes Permission to make status changes to Retail Prescriptions
Active Crosswalk Permission to access the Active Crosswalk page
Drug Catalog Permission to access the Drug Catalog page
Retail Crosswalk Permission to access the Retail Crosswalk page
Special Drug Setup Permission to access the Special Drug Setup page
Unmatched Crosswalk Permission to access the Unmatched Crosswalk page
340B Central Split Permission to access the Central Split page
Order Builder Permission to access the Order Builder page
Order History Permission to access the Order History page
Purchase Detail Permission to access the Purchase Detail page
Pricing and Savings Visibility
340B Amount* Permission to view 340B Amount in Accumulations page
340B Price* Permission to view 340B Pricing in Pharmacy Search, Order Builder, Order History, Purchase Detail, Accumulations, Dashboard, Custom Reports, Standard Reports, Equivalents (popup), Order Builder Item List (popup), Order Details (popup), Secondary Accumulations (popup)
340B Savings* Permission to view 340B Savings on the Accumulations page
Amount Permission to view Amount in Pharmacy Search, Order Builder, Standard Reports, Accumulation Detail (popup), ACH Details (popup), and Order Details (popup)
Drug Price* Permission to view Drug Price in Accumulation Detail (popup) and Drug Price History (popup)
Drug Spend* Permission to view total drug spend in Drug Spend (popup)
GPO Savings Permission to view GPO Savings in Purchase Detail
MHI Drug Cost* Permission to view MHI Drug Cost (MHI DrugCost = cost of the drug on whichever status the claim is on) in Pharmacy Search, Utilization Manager, Standard Reports, Charges Work GPO-qualifiedan, and Claims Analysis
Profitability* Permission to view Profitability / Revenue (Profitability = Amt - Fee - 340B DrugCost) in Dashboard and Standard Reports
Retail Price Permission to view Retail Pricing in Drug Catalog, Order Builder, Order History, Accumulations, Standard Reports, and Order Details (popup)
Savings* Permission to view Savings in Pharmacy Search, Order Builder, Accumulations, Dashboard, Custom Reports, Standard Reports, Accumulation Detail (popup), Drug Savings (popup), Order Builder Item List (popup), and Order Details (popup)
WAC Amount Permission to view WAC Amount in Corporate Reporting
WAC Price Permission to view WAC Pricing in Corporate Reporting
WAC Savings Permission to view WAC Savings in Purchase Detail
*These pricing permissions will give User Groups tied to this role access to 340B Pricing
Qualified Prescriptions
340B Qualified Prescriptions Permission to view 340B qualified claims in Utilization Manager and Accumulation Detail (popup)
GPO Qualified Prescriptions Permission to view GPO qualified claims in Accumulation Detail (popup)
RTL Qualified Prescriptions Permission to view non-qualified claims in an RTL status in Accumulation Detail (popup)
WAC Qualified Prescriptions Permission to view non-qualified claims in a WAC status in Accumulation Detail (popup)
Accumulation Reports Permission to run Accumulation reports
ACH Specialty Billable Report Permission to run ACH Specialty Billable reports
Admin Reports Permission to run Admin reports
Audit Reports Permission to run Audit reports
Consolidated Reports Permission to run Consolidated reports
Custom Reports Permission to create and run Custom reports
Hospital Reports Permission to run Hospital reports
Invoice Reports Permission to run Invoice reports
Prescription Assistance Program  Permission to run Prescription assistance program
Purchase Reports Permission to run Purchase reports
Retail Reports Permission to run Retail reports
Standard Reports Permission to run Standard Reports

Gateway Permissions

340B Gateway Dashboards

Dispense Dashboard

Permission to access the Dispense Dashboard

Payable Activity Dashboard

Permission to access the Payable Activity Dashboard

Replenishment Dashboard

Permission to access the Replenishment Dashboard
Admin Setup

Clearinghouse Settings

Permission to access the Gateway Clearinghouse Settings page

Dispense Fee Management

Permission to access Dispense Fee Management page

Gateway Chain Settings

Permission to access the Gateway Chain Settings page

340B Impact Permissions

340B Impact - All Accounts: Permission to access all data within 340B Impact (McKesson and non-McKesson wholesaler data).

340B Impact McKesson-Only Accounts: Restricts permission to McKesson accounts only within 340B Impact. All other wholesaler data will be hidden in 340B Impact and permission to other products will be restricted. This access is for McKesson employees.


NDC Architect Permissions 

Data Review

Charges Work Queue

Permission to access the Charges Work Queue page

Claims Analysis

Permission to access the Claims Analysis page

Active Crosswalk

Permission to access the Active Crosswalk page

Drug Catalog

Permission to access the Drug Catalog page

Import Analysis

Permission to access the Import Analysis page

Unmatched Crosswalk

Permission to access the Unmatched Crosswalk page
NDCA Architect Overview

NDCA Dashboard

Visibility to the Dashboard
NDCA Reporting

Standard Reports

Permission to run Standard Reports

User Access Permissions

Access Management Permission to access the Access Management page
Entity Groups Permission to access the Entity Groups page
Roles Permission to access the Roles page
User Groups Permission to access the User Groups page
Users  Permission to access the Users page


After clicking Save, all selected updates from each tab will be saved.


You cannot create duplicate Roles (roles with the exact same name) within a Corporate ID. 



If you click Cancel after making changes, a popup will appear asking if you want to exit without saving changes.

  • Continue Editing: click to return to the Roles Detail page in edit mode. Your current changes will remain. 
  • Exit: click to return to the Roles page without saving any current changes. 



Does everyone see Retail pricing?

You can determine who can/cannot see retail pricing within the Contract Pharmacy tab in the permissions table. To allow non CE-owned pharmacies to view Retail pricing, select View for Contract Pharmacy Retail pricing. 


Why can't I select the boxes to the left of permissions within the table? 

Make sure the page is in Edit mode first. Click the Edit button at the top of the page. 


What happens if a new feature is added to 340B Architect? 

Once a new feature or page is implemented in 340B Architect, a new permission(s) will be created in User Access. These new permissions will not be added to any Roles by Macro Helix. User Administrators will be responsible for adding these permissions to the correct Role(s).




Creating a New Role

To create a new role within a Corporate ID, click the Add New Role button to open the Roles Detail page, where you can add a Role Name, Description, and select Permissions for the new role.



  • Role Name: required 
  • Description: required
  • Permissions: not required



Follow the same process listed above (Editing Roles) and then click Save


Deleting a Role

To permanently delete a role, click the ellipses icon to the left of the role and then select Delete.



A popup will appear to remind you that the role will be removed from any user or user group it applies to.

  • Cancel: click to keep the role and return to the Roles page. 
  • Delete: click to permanently delete the role and return to the Roles page.  

If you delete a role and the user is linked to other user groups, a popup will appear to let the user know they are unable to delete the role until all roles are unlinked from all user groups.



Deleting Roles in Bulk 


1.Click the Delete Roles button at the top of the Roles page. 


2. From the popup, select one or more of your current Roles that you would like to delete. Newly created roles will appear at the top of the list. 


3. Click Delete. A popup will appear to alert you that if any of these roles are currently tied to a relationship, access for these HIDs/PIDs will be removed. 


4. Click Continue.