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Report 672 Quick Reference Guide

Report 672 is available to covered entities (CE) that have made the decision to submit 340B-eligible claims data into the third-party platform 340B ESP. The report includes 340B ESP’s required data fields and only includes prescriptions with labeler codes that match that of manufacturers using 340B ESP for data collection. 

This report is available to Hospital Administrators only and is at the HID-claim level.

To access report 672, navigate to Reporting Admin Reports > Admin Dispense Reports General. 

 Report Details

  • Report 672 displays 340B qualified claims. 
  • The prescriptions’ dates of service may precede the qualification date.
  • The date range is queried by 340B Qualified Date, modeled after 340B ESP's FAQ guidance
  • Report 672 only returns results for non-entity owned contract pharmacies in 340B Architect.
    • Covered Entity-Owned PIDs are excluded, as they are not affected by manufacturer pricing restrictions
  • Report 672 queries National Drug Codes (NDCs) based on manufacturer labeler code (first 5-digits of an NDC) 
    • Labeler codes originate from manufacturer-specific NDC lists, sourced from each manufacturer.
  • Report 672 only submits net-positive quantities; matched reversals are disqualified and are not included in the report.

Report 672 Fields Defined

Contracted Entity ID*: Store 340B ID, located in Macro Helix Pharmacy Settings. Any hyphens and proceeding digits will be removed. 

Date of Service*: Date the prescription was filled by the pharmacy (fill date).  Derived from contract pharmacy switch data, if applicable.  

Date Prescribed*: Date the prescription was written by the provider (also known as Date Written). Derived from contract pharmacy switch data, if applicable. 

NDC*: NDC dispensed.  Derived from contract pharmacy switch data, if applicable. 

Quantity*: Quantity of the NDC dispensed.  Derived from contract pharmacy switch data, if applicable. 

RX Number*: The prescription number assigned by the pharmacy. Derived from contract pharmacy switch data, if applicable.  

Service Provider ID (NPI)**: The dispensing pharmacy’s National Provider Identifier (NPI), located in Macro Helix Pharmacy Settings.

Service Provider ID Qualifier (NPI)**: Defaults to “01” per 340B ESP’s identifier codes.

Service Provider ID (NCPDP_NABP)**: The pharmacy’s National Council for Prescription Drug Programs (NCPDP) or National Association of Boards of Pharmacy (NABP) identification number, located in Macro Helix Pharmacy Settings.

Service Provider ID Qualifier (NCPDP_NABP)**: Defaults to “07” per 340B ESP’s identifier codes.

Labeler_Code: The first 5-digits of an NDC that indicates a drug manufacturer. In the report, this is derived from the first 5-digits of the NDC lists provided in the manufacturer notices. 

Manufacturer_Name: The drug manufacturer of the NDC.

PID: Macro Helix Pharmacy ID.

Pharm Name: Pharmacy Name belonging to the PID.

Prescriber NPI: NPI for the prescriber who wrote the prescription. Derived from contract pharmacy switch data, if applicable.

Prescriber DEA: DEA for the prescriber who wrote the prescription. Derived from contract pharmacy switch data, if applicable. 


indicates a field required by 340B ESP

** indicates the use of either Service Provider NPI or NABP_NDCPDP with corresponding ID qualifier