| Reporting | Standard Reports | Admin Reports

Admin Purchase Reports General

The Admin Purchase Reports General reports display general purchase data by NDC, Pharmacy, Hospital, etc. The table below contains a brief description of each report available:


Admin - Blended Price Per Package
Shows “blended price” for all purchases made for the selected dates. The logic for the blended price is (total amount spent / total pkgs); It blends the price across all account types. Summarized by NDC.
Admin - Purchases By NDC
Displays purchase information for the selected dates; includes all accounts & account types including those placed outside of Architect. Also includes price and unit price. Summarized by NDC.
Admin Purchase Drilldown
List purchases by NDC/Item. Summarizes quantity, total purchases, % to total purchase by 340B, GPO, and WAC accounts
Admin Purchases By Account
Displays purchase information for the selected dates; includes all accounts & account types including those placed outside of Architect. Summarized by account number. This report includes 340B Price, WAC Price, GPO Price, and Amount.
Direct Purchases by Hospital
Lists all direct purchases by Hospital for the dates selected. Summarized by Hospital number.
Purchase - 340B Price Variance Report
Compares existing 340B catalog prices to the average prices for all 340B accounts in the Macro Helix system. The dates selected will not impact this report.
Purchase - 340B Purchase Price Comparison Report
Displays 340B purchases for the selected dates; lists WAC & GPO pricing in addition to 340B pricing.
Purchase - Non-Qualified Purchases with COGS
Displays Non-340B purchases for the selected dates; compares GPO or WAC pricing to 340B.
Purchase - Purchase Detail with Price
Displays purchase information for the selected dates; includes all accounts & account types including those placed outside of Architect. Summarized by month & account type by dollars spent. Displays 340B price, unlike “standard” purchase reports.
Purchase - Purchases By Pharmacy
Displays summarized 340B purchase data for the selected dates for all pharmacies in the Macro Helix system under the covered entity; Summarized by pharmacy & month.
Purchase – Purchases by Pharmacy Detailed
Displays detailed 340B purchase data for the selected dates for all pharmacies in the Macro Helix system under the covered entity; Summarized by pharmacy & month.
Purchase - WAC Purchases By Month with Price Comparison
Lists only WAC Purchases for the dates selected; includes WAC, 340B, & GPO pricing & total amounts for each (pkgs * price).
Top 20 Spent Items by NDC
Lists the top 20 purchases for the dates selected. Summarizes by NDC and Accounttype
Top 50 Spent Items by NDC
Lists the top 50 purchases for the dates selected. Summarizes by NDC and Accounttype
WAC Purchases Made Due to Lower Price
Lists all purchases initially split to 340B or GPO that were moved to WAC because the WAC account price was less than or equal to the corresponding 340B or GPO account. This is an opt-in feature.