| Reporting | Standard Reports | Admin Reports

Admin Revenue Reports

The Admin Revenue Reports display retail revenue by account type and total revenue. The table below contains a brief description of each report available:


Retail - Pharmacy 340B Revenue Report
Lists only retail prescriptions that qualified for 340B (including reversals) for the date range selected for all contracted pharmacies. Includes costs of goods sold as well third party & co-pay amounts.
Retail - Pharmacy GPO Revenue Report
Lists only retail prescriptions that qualified for GPO (including reversals) for the date range selected for all contracted pharmacies. Includes costs of goods sold as well third party & co-pay amounts.
Retail - Pharmacy Revenue Report with Blank Drug Cost
Lists only retail prescriptions with a blank drug cost that qualified for 340B or GPO (including reversals) for the date range selected for all contracted pharmacies.
Retail - Pharmacy Total Revenue Report
Lists only retail prescriptions that qualified for 340B or GPO (including reversals) for the date range selected for all contracted pharmacies. Includes all revenue and revenue breakdown for each scripts. Summarized by pharmacy.