Updates & Announcements

September 2024 Release Content

What's New

User Access


Users Page: Access Expires On and Delete


On the Users Page > View Details > User Groups, there is a new field Access Expires On available for User groups within the grid and in the Add Groups popup. This will allow you to easily remove a user's access to multiple User Groups. 

  • You can select a current or future date only

There is also a new option to Delete a user within the ellipsis menu. This option will only show if the user is not actively part of any user groups. You can use this to remove users that are no longer active but were migrated over when User Access was first released. 


For more information, see Users Page



User Groups and Entity Groups: Sort Function


On the User Groups Page, within Add Users to Group, you can now click on the column headers to sort in ascending or descending order. On the Edit Entity Group Page, all columns within the Hospitals and Pharmacies tables will also be sortable. 



Create New Relationship: Search Function


When creating a new relationship from the Access Management Page, you can now search within the Select Role, Select User Group, and Select Entity Group dropdown menus. 



Branch Codes: Written Location

On the Branch Codes page, you can now select Written Location as the Import File Type for Hospital Branch Codes. In addition, you can branch data by Facility Name. 


If Import Specs are not mapped, you will receive an error message alerting you that the data cannot be branched. 


For more information, see Branch Codes Page





TPA invoicing information is now available within the right-click menu in Utilization Manager by selecting TPIS Transmission Information. This option will display a new popup window named TPIS Transmission Information which displays the Claim Status, Date Sent and Filenames that we sent by Macro Helix to the TPIS vendor.


For more information, see Utilization Manager View.


To increase website speed for users, logging into 340B Architect will route users who have not utilized the Favorite Page feature to the User Profile page. For users who have set a Favorite Page, they will now be routed to that page at the time of log in. To set a page as Favorite, click the White Star icon found in the blue pathing ribbon on the desired page. Doing so will change the star color to yellow, indicating it has been favorited and will be the new landing page at log in.



What's Improved

Auto Price Detection

The confirmation box when changes are made will disappear after several seconds or when you navigate to a different page.



Medicaid BIN updates


For all tables within 340B Architect, 8 digit Medicaid BIN numbers will be the accepted value, instead of the current 6 digits. 


Pending Packages

UI Improvements have been made on the Pending Packages page to improve user experience, including consistency of time stamps, alignment, and more informative text.